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旧约 - 撒母耳记下(2 Samuel) 第3章 第8段

中文 押尼珥因伊施波设的话就甚发怒,说,我岂是犹大的狗头呢。我恩待你父扫罗的家和他的弟兄,朋友,不将你交在大卫手里,今日你竟为这妇人责备我吗。
英文 Then was Abner very wroth for the words of Ishbosheth, and said, Am I a dog's head, which against Judah do shew kindness this day unto the house of Saul thy father, to his brethren, and to his friends, and have not delivered thee into the hand of David, that thou chargest me to day with a fault concerning this woman?

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